Here is our Easter schedule so that you can plan to join us in church or online.

Day Time Service Medium
Passion Sunday (21st Mar) 1000 Communion Service In church and online
Eve Stations of the Cross Led Service Pre-recorded online
22/3/2021-2/4/2021 0900-1700 Stations of Cross Private Prayer Church open

Palm Sunday

(28th Mar)

1000 Palm Sunday Communion In church & online
1700 Buzz at St B’s In church only
Mon of Holy Week (29 Mar) 1930 Compline Online only
Tues of Holy Week (30 Mar) 1930 Compline Online only
Wed of Holy Week (31 Mar) 1930 Compline Online only
Maundy Thursday (1 Apr) 1930 Maundy Thursday Service In church & online
Good Friday (2 Apr) 1400 Good Friday Service In church & online
Easter Sunday (4 Apr) 0530 Easter Sunrise Service In church only
1000 Easter Sunday Service In church & online